Immersions in French language for all students in provinces
For a long time, Franco-Japanese and French families living far from Tokyo were unable to benefit from French-style education, unlike those living in Tokyo near French international schools in Japan. For the first time in Japan and on the initiative of Fabien E. Levet, founder of the EIFJ, is launched (2022 ~ 2023) an "Educabus", a vehicle designed as a mobile classroom throughout Japan, for offer French education in all regions of the country.
Composed of two teachers, a driver, and a capacity of 15 students, the bus will travel through different regions of Japan, stopping for seven days in a specific area each time, offering daytime and evening classes. Operating as a non-profit initiative, Educabus will provide true French immersion to many students, to whom the EIFJ will continually provide online services and special invitations to Tokyo from time to time. EIFJ Tokyo: excellent education for all!
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