A Teaching and administrative team dedicated for the academic successes of our students, in the safest environment

Management & administration

- Guaranty of the compliance with the French curriculum, ensuring the quality of education required for accreditation.

- Lead the initial and ongoing pedagogical evolution of a team of local teachers committed to students' success.

Ms Fairouz MOUSLI

Head of School and Teacher

Originally from Lyon, my training in Cognitive Sciences opened the way to an in-depth understanding of learning mechanisms, awakening in me an abiding interest in the various challenges facing education. This passion has guided me throughout my career, inspiring me to explore the dynamics of knowledge transmission. 

It was while completing my first Master's degree in Denmark that, a few years later, I experienced a decisive turning point that highlighted my vocation for teaching. 

On my return to France, I joined the Education Ministry in the School Authority of Lyon, where I taught in schools and in the Priority Education Network. These enriching experiences enabled me to meet students with diverse profiles, reinforcing my conviction that every child, whatever his or her background, has valuable qualities to cultivate and skills to develop. 

My commitment to special education then took me to Switzerland, where I was able to develop my skills and learn to better identify students' specific needs. I'm convinced that education must be both inclusive and differentiated. 

My pedagogical approach is based on the conviction that, with the right methods and caring support, every student can meet his or her challenges and develop.

Alongside my career, I have a number of passions that enrich my personal life. Reading, pottery and running are activities that bring me balance and inspiration. I'm certain that these passions contribute to forging a holistic vision of education where learning also takes place outside the classroom.

After several visits to Japan, I decided to settle there, attracted by the depth of its culture and its dynamism. I'm looking forward to applying my skills in the Japanese capital at EIFJ, where I hope to contribute to an enriching and stimulating learning environment, while continuing to learn from this fascinating culture.


Elementary School

Middle School

French-Japanese International Nursery Team

Language & Culture Teachers

Music & Dance School

Art School

Science Lab

Hexagon Football Club & Hexagon MultiSport Team

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