The French-Japanese International Nursery



Growing up in English, French & Japanese

Learning in French, English, Japanese, bilingual or trilingual, in a Nursery supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The best of French, English and Japanese nurseries' methods

15 places' nursery with secure rooftop terrace

Reasonable rates for new parents

Benevolent learning for a smooth entry into preschool-kindergarten

Guidance from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Kita-ku city office, aiming for the French accreditation

Open all year round from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

A team dedicated to the well-being of pupils

School bus possibly available based on specific requests

Advantages of a smooth entrance in EIFJ Preschool-Kindergarten

EIFJ Tokyo welcomes children from 1 to 3 years old in a caring, friendly and warm environment. Enrollment is possible all year round depending on available places. The structure of our nursery is adapted to promote the awakening & early learning abilities of your child:


  • Materials and games appropriate for each stage of development
  • A motor skills space
  • A veggie garden
  • A rest and nap area
  • A rooftop garden for recreations with playground, balance bikes, water games & pools in summer
  • Pushchair trolley for safe field trips


At EIFJ, our teachers and educators are experts. They have undergone rigorous training and many of them are parents of pupils. Their mission is to guarantee the most appropriate care, to ensure the safety of your child, to create a fulfilling environment for pupils, and to reassure the parents.


At the nursery, nature is a familiar and sensory awakening playground: gardening, outing to the park, observing flora and fauna, creating activities using mainly natural resources. Story times that stimulate the imagination and encourage language leanring ​​are provided daily. Moments of relaxation and expression of emotions are also offered.




  • French Program
  • English Program
  • Japanese Program
  • Bilingual or trilingual programs



  • "The Very Little Ones" (1 to 2 year olds)
  • "The Little Ones" (2 to 3 year olds)


The nursery program is inspired by the best methods in French, Japanese and English speaking nurseries, and is based on the five learning areas of the French Ministry of Education, which are:

  • Mobilizing language in all its dimensions;
  • Acting, expressing oneself, understanding through physical activity;
  • Acting, expressing oneself, understanding through artistic activities;
  • Constructing the first tools to structure your thinking;
  • Explore the world.

Welcoming is from 8:30 am, and the program, very balanced, begins at 9:00 and includes:

  • in the chosen language of the day, two circle times (storytelling, group games, music);
  • in the chosen language of the day, two or three workshops (manipulating items, crafts, art, motor skills, games, exploring the world, etc.);
  • two recesses and motor skills' periods on the rooftop garden, and once a week in the nearby beautiful parks;
  • three autonomy periods where your child can play (cooking, construction, puzzles, art) and use one of the workshops to foster cognitive development;
  • two snacks, and one lunch (provided by the parents, or ordered to the nursery's caterer)
  • one nap time;
  • two or three diaper changes and hygiene training;
  • end of program at 15:30, and extensions/childcare possible until 17:00.


Depending on demand and the route of the school bus, whose priority is to pick up preschool and elementary school pupils, it is also possible to pick up nursery school children from the age of two. Please submit your request.


The followed calendar is annual (12 months of the year, without holidays), from the variable enrollment month of your child. Daycare is from Monday to Friday. For obvious pedagogical reasons, we encourage pupils to attend the program 3 to 5 days a week, however parents have the option of enrolling their child in the 1 to 2 days program, or in the short-term childcare program instead (hourly rates, up to twice a month). The nursery is closed during Japanese public holidays (the regular class drop-in program is however possible all year round, upon request). Children aged 3 or almost ideally enroll in Preschool from September, however they may remain enrolled at the Nursery from September until the end of March depending on the parents' wish, before switching from April to EIFJ Preschool-Kindergarten, or in another preschool. EIFJ offers special advantages to families whose nursery child enrolls in its Preschool program.

To read our terms and fees, please click here.


If one of your children is to be enrolled in the French International Nursery, and the other in EIFJ's kindergarten, elementary or junior high school we are supporting you:

  • From July 2024, the nursery will be located in a dedicated space in Nishigaoka campus (1-40-13 Nishigaoka Kita-ku), EIFJ's main campus having received the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's  Certificate of Compliance, enabling students enrolled in the main campus to benefit from Government subsidies of 67,000 yen per month from their child's earliest years;
  • Decreased tuition fees for siblings;
  • High degree of consistency in learning according to the school curriculum and bilingual programs throughout the school year at EIFJ, the only entire bilingual French school in Japan.

Please make an appointment with our pedagogical team to find out more information. We are happy to help.

« Leaving EIFJ nursery [due to our relocation] is a tough decision for us because of tons of memories among us. It is our pleasure that she could learn a lot and have precious friends in English and French. You're so supportive to arrange the shuttle bus flexibly as well. We much appreciate all of your support you provided for us. »

April 2024


« My wife and myself are parents to a 1 year and 3 months. We have been looking at EIFJ website and have heard flattering comments from several parents. »

February 2023

Nursery prospective family

« [Our child] loves the nursery and I look forward to receiving her pictures every day. »

August 2022


« My child is attending nursery school. I am very satisfied with the school as:

- The price is very competitive as compared to other international schools

- Teachers take good care of my child. They have activities that help children socialize and grow. I trust the teachers of the school.

- We can see our child bringing words of French, English and Japanese home.

- School is taking initiative and organizes events on seasonal themes (French and Japanese). Parents are involved in these activities. It gives good opportunity for parents to mingle and see our children play. Much appreciate that.

- School founder has passion and good vision in education for children. »

August 2022


Livrets individuels 個別の冊子 Individual Booklets

Tous les petits disposent d'un livret individuel permettant de rapporter aux parents des informations détaillées sur l'humeur de leur enfant chaque jour, la qualité de leur sieste, les activités pédagogiques, ainsi que des détails sur l'appétit, le passage aux toilettes etc. EIFJ Tokyo : toujours plus, toujours mieux pour les élèves et leurs parents.


All pupils have an individual booklet that allows detailed information to be shared with parents daily. This includes their child's mood, the quality of their nap, educational activities, as well as details about their appetite, restroom, and more. EIFJ Tokyo: always striving for more, always striving for better, serving students and their parents.

Trilingual bimonthly newsletters

Albums de chaque année scolaire offerts à tous les élèves, 50 pages de souvenirs !


Yearbooks each year offered to all students, 50 pages of memories!


Whether your child is already enrolled in the school, or you are considering EIFJ Tokyo for your child's schooling, or for your own activities, EIFJ Team welcomes you. Let your child spend some time with our students during your visit, ask questions, take advantage of the "intermittent class" program allowing your child to experience a day or more in nursery, preschool-kindergarten, elementary or junior high school programs. Visits are possible Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 (during study time) and from 16:00, as well as Saturdays from 10:00 to 16:00. Contact us to make an appointment.

In addition to the school management, the President of the Parents' Association, Mr. Maxime Fontaine, is available by appointment from Monday to Friday, usually around noon, to discuss (in French, Japanese or English) in person, by videoconference or by e-mail ( with any family considering enrollment of their child, and requiring further information.

Photos, trilingual French-Japanese-English messages, reports & comments posted on Seesaw, the parents' application used at EIFJ

Visit Tokyo's French-Japanese International Nursery

To ensure year-round the well-being and progress of your child in a safe environment

Make an appointment

1-40-13 Nishigaoka, Kita-ku, Tokyo 115-0056

Tél. 電話 Tel. : +81(0)3-5948-9480

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