Shigeru TERADA
Nowadays, it became a slogan all over the world that to meet the CO2 reduction target by 2050, which is about 30 years later, is necessary to save the humankind. May the children have a wonderful environment 30 years later! It is our urgent indeed to restore the beautiful natural environment the Earth has lost in some areas. To that end, environmental education is essential.
This environmental education class carries out various activities centered on the cultivation of the ability of children to live close to nature and in nature. Knowing the current situation, cultivating the ability to think to create new ideas that will help humankind in the future, those are some of the ideas behind this activity.
Guidance will be performed by NPO Sense of Earth representative Shigeru Terada, who has a track record in efforts such as making biotopes through working as a teacher and principal of a Japanese public school, associated with former EIFJ kindergarten teacher Yukiko Watanabe.