"CAP EIFJ" Program

From Academic Year 2025-2026, EIFJ introduces the "CAP EIFJ" program, designed to reward and incentivize long-term enrollment at École Internationale Franco-Japonaise (EIFJ) by offering a capped financial settlement for tuition fees based on the duration of a student's schooling. This program aims to provide financial predictability, foster a strong school community, and encourage continued engagement with EIFJ educational experience.

1. Eligibility

  • All families enrolling their child(ren) at EIFJ are automatically considered for the CAP EIFJ program.
  • The program applies to all students from their first year of enrollment.
  • The cap is activated after the completion of two full annual contracts of schooling (covering 24 months).

2. Fee Structure and Cap Implementation

  • Year 1 & Year 2: Standard tuition fees as per the school's financial regulations. 
  • From Year 3 Onward: Tuition fees are subject to a cap, ensuring they do not increase. The capped amount is set based on the tuition fees at the time of capping, and indexed annually to reflect inflation using the Japanese Consumer Price Index.
  • Any annual tuition adjustments for new enrollees does not impact families already benefiting from the cap.

3. Terms and Conditions

  • The CAP EIFJ program applies only to tuition fees (expressed and payable in Japanese Yen), and does not cover optional fees such as school bus, lunch, extracurricular activities, holiday schools, or extensions.
  • The capped amount is communicated to parents at the start of Year 3 and is applicable as long as the student remains continuously enrolled at EIFJ.
  • Sibling Policy: ff a family enrolls additional children, CAP EIFJ will apply separately based on the start date of each child.
  • Families who temporarily withdraw, later re-enroll, and this for any reason, lose eligibility for the CAP EIFJ Program.
  • Any financial support and voucher continues to apply. 
  • The CAP EIFJ program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The school reserves the right to review and adjust the CAP EIFJ program in accordance with all applicable Japanese laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Private Schools Act., and with a one year notice.
  • The school shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this program due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, pandemics, or government regulations.
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